The Musica Mundi School’s Young Talents have enchanted the public last Tuesday, December 21st, with the many facets of their talents – Chamber Music playing, Choir singing and Orchestra performance, all was part of this festive event !
Without forgetting, naturally, a small touch of Santa Claus in the air 😊
After the concert, public could enjoy a moment of gathering in the outside cloister of the Musica Mundi School, where a holiday village was created especially for the occasion.
Even the weather was by our side with clear sky and a full moon !
You can relive this End of Year Concert here :
Thanks to our faithful partner TVCOM, our concert will be widely transmitted on all these TV channels on December 25th at 15h45 and on TVCOM, again, on December 26th at 13h and December 28th at 20h.
